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Forex Trading: A Beginner’s Guide

The term Forex is coined from two words: Foreign Exchange. It’s the exchange of international countries’ currency in the financial markets. This is why it’s called foreign exchange because it is the exchange of countries’ currencies around the world. Every international deal requires Forex.
For instance, when you travel internationally from one country to another like Nigeria to Canada, on arrival you will exchange Nigerian Naira with Canadian Dollar or when you transact such as an online purchase like while in Germany and order a Japanese car or export your goods abroad all of these transactions and more require foreign exchange because you will have to convert your currency to match the foreign currency to enable you transact.
In this article, we will share with you all the relevant concepts you need to know about forex trading. Enjoy.
Key Takeaways
Table of Contents (foldable)
Forex Trading
The only difference between Foreign Exchange as explained above and Forex Trading is that Forex Trading is purely the buying and selling of currencies and some commodities like gold without the involvement of physical goods or services. You buy low and sell high for profit.
The foreign exchange market (forex, FX) is the largest financial market in the world. The forex market is also referred to as the “exchange” or the “foreign exchange market”. It is not a stock market, but rather an over-the-counter financial market where currencies are traded. The foreign exchange market is a global system of currency trading. It involves buying and selling currencies of different countries for the purpose of earning profit. The exchange rate determines how much one currency can buy or sell for another. There are more than 100 different currencies in the world. This includes U.S. dollars, British pounds, Japanese yen, and many more.
A Brief History of Forex
Trading The forex market is an interesting place to be for a trader, even if you are not trading currencies directly. It is the world’s largest financial market and it has a lot to offer. Forex traders can find themselves in some pretty unusual situations that require them to be creative. There are a number of ways that a trader can make money from the forex market.
How do currency markets work?
Currencies are traded in a market economy. Prices of currencies rise or fall because of factors that affect demand and supply, such as the level of interest rates, economic conditions, political instability, and government policies. How is the exchange rate determined? The exchange rate of a country’s currency for another currency is the amount of one currency that will buy you one unit of another currency.

Forex Market Pricing: A Quick Overview
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What moves the forex market?
What drives the dollar and the euro, and what’s behind the pound and yen? There are many factors that affect currency movements, but the most influential are demand & supply which depends on other factors such as political events, interest rates, inflation rates and others. In a volatile market, it’s important to be aware of what’s going on in the world and what the markets expect from the global economy. You should also keep an eye out for major economic announcements, such as when the U.S.
What is a base and quote currency?
When you trade forex you are always selling a currency, base, for another called quote. If you are selling US dollars, you are selling dollars for another such as euros. The base currency is the first currency in the forex pair and the quote currency is the second currency in the pair. For example, if you were trading USD/EUR, you would be selling the US dollar and buying the euro because USD is the base while the EUR is the quote.
Each currency in the pair is listed as a three-letter code, which tends to be formed of two letters that stand for the region, and one standing for the currency itself. For example, GBP/USD is a currency pair that involves buying the Great British pound and selling the US dollar. So in the example below, GBP is the base currency and USD is the quote currency.
This is called ‘going long’ because you are buying the pair. If you think that the base currency in a pair is likely to weaken against the quote currency, you can sell the pair (going short).
When does the forex market open and close?
The forex market is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When it is open, the forex market is available in more than 150 countries around the world. The forex market is an international market that allows buyers and sellers to buy or sell currencies from one another.
How many countries are represented in the forex market? There are more than 50 currencies on the forex market. What currencies are traded on the forex market?
The forex market is an international financial market where currencies are traded. Currencies are traded in pairs, like the U.S. dollar and the euro or the Japanese yen and the pound sterling.
What is “spread” in forex?
Spread is the price difference between two different currencies, it’s the difference between the bid and ask prices. The difference between the buy and sell prices is called the spread. This is because when you buy or sell, you are buying at the buy price and selling at the selling price. In the forex market, it’s a good idea to know the spread as it can have an impact on your profits.
The forex market is made up of currencies, which are traded on an international level. When you hear about the “forex market,” you’re usually hearing about the currency pairs (GBP/USD, EUR/USD, USD/JPY). The difference between the bid and the ask prices (or spread) is referred to as the “spread.” In general, if the spread is wide, the currency pair is less liquid.
Spread trading is a technique that can be used in any market, including the stock market. Spread trading is a method of trading that allows you to simultaneously place both a long and short trade on the same security. The idea is that you want to limit the downside risk and the upside potential of a single trade.

When you hear “spread,” you might think of a stock broker who charges you to buy stock at one price and then sell it for another price. This is actually a very small part of what a forex broker does. Forex brokers make money by executing orders on behalf of their clients, and those orders are made up of both buy and sell orders. A buy order tells the market to buy a specific amount of a currency at a certain price.
1.When making an investment decision, there are three main factors to consider:
2. the risk/return ratio,
3. liquidity and
4. volatility. When looking at the first factor, you need to evaluate the risk/return ratio. To do this, you should look at the return and the risk of the investment. If the risk is high, the return will be low. Conversely, if the risk is low, the return will be higher.
What is “scalping” in forex trading?
Scalping is a very short-term trading strategy. It is used to make quick profits in the markets. Scalpers do not invest in the markets for the long term, but rather wait for opportunities to make a profit.
Central banks
Central banks are an important part of the global economy. They control the supply of money and set interest rates to ensure that the currency in which they issue their own money is stable. Quantitative easing involves injecting more money into an economy and can cause its currency’s price to drop.
News reports
What does it mean to trade news
Market sentiment
The same is true for currencies. If traders believe that a currency is headed in a certain direction, they will trade accordingly and may convince others to follow suit, increasing or decreasing demand.
Economic data
Credit ratings
How does forex trading work?
Forex trading is the trading of currencies. It is the most liquid market in the world with over $1.5 trillion traded each day. The exchange rate is constantly fluctuating due to many different factors such as economic growth, political instability, interest rates, and even supply and demand.
What is a lot in forex?
When you think of a lot in forex, you might imagine something like a lot of apples in a basket. In fact, a lot in forex is a lot of currency in a specific amount. For example, if you wanted to buy 100, 000 euros worth of currency, you would need to buy one lot of 100, 000 euros. A lot is the smallest unit of trading that is used in forex.
Lot Sizes
The lot size is used to calculate the volume of trade you are placing. A standard lot represents 100,000 units of any currency, whereas a mini-lot represents 10,000 and a micro-lot represents 1,000 units of any currency. A one-pip movement for a standard lot corresponds with a $10 change. We are always trading in lot sizes in forex that is why we encourage you to trade with smaller lots at from the beginning and when you become more competent and confident you can trade big a lot.
$100 is a very low capital though. You have to stick to the lowest lot size of 0.01 and it is still risky, this is why we recommend that you start trading with a minimum of $200. As a good rule of thumb, it is recommended to not risk more than 2% of your balance at any time.
If you buy 0.01 lots of EUR/USD and your leverage is 1:1000, you will need $1 as a margin for the trade.
If you are trading with a two hundred dollar account you can use like 0.04 or 0.05 lot. The 0.04 lot size actually means 4,000 USD, at a time. For $200 accounts you can trade 0.04 lot at a time and still have about two to three trades running at the same time.

The trading lot size directly impacts how much a market move affects your accounts. For example, a 100-pip move on a small trade will not be felt nearly as much as the same 100-pip move on very large trade size.

Most forex traders you come across are going to be trading mini lots or micro-lots. It might not feel glamorous, but keeping your lot size within reason relative to your account size will help you preserve your trading capital to continue trading for the long term.

What is leverage in forex?
The word ‘leverage’ means to use a relatively small amount of capital for a relatively large investment. When you leverage your money, you are borrowing a lot of money to invest a small amount.
With leverage, a small margin deposit can control a larger total contract value.
Leverage is the use of borrowed money (called capital) to invest in a currency, stock, or security. The concept of leverage is very common in forex trading. By borrowing money from a broker, investors can trade larger positions in a currency.

Leverage in Forex is the ratio of the trader’s funds to the size of the broker’s credit. In other words, leverage is borrowed capital to increase the potential returns. Leverage size usually exceeds the invested capital several times.

Leverage is like a broker is telling you that I’m offering you one thousand to one leverage which means for every one dollar you have you can trade in the volume of one thousand dollars.
This is like a friend or company offering to add money to your business trading capital; they say for example for every $1 you bring, they will bring a thousand, and when you make the profit you return their own part of the fund.

This enables you to make more profit in foreign exchange and also this is a double hs sword. For example leverage enables you to make more profit there also if you do not apply it very well or you do not take cognizance of the risk factor you can also shoot yourself in the leg. Maybe when you overtrade, you overuse the leverage you might end up losing much of your money or all your money in a single trade this is a what makes it easy for people to lose their money. We can show you how to avoid this and how to remain in the market for a very long time and can profit from forex.
What is the margin in forex?
Margin is the amount of money you need to invest to open a position with a forex broker. Margin is typically calculated as a percentage of the total position, meaning you need to deposit a certain percentage of the full position size to open the position. For example, if you were trading 100,000 dollars, you would deposit 10% of that amount or 10,000 dollars. This means you will be required to deposit an additional 10% of your position size to maintain your position.
You might think that the bigger the trade, the more money you’re required to put down, but this is not always true. In fact, in some cases, the smaller the trade, the higher the leverage (i.e. the percentage of the total position you need to deposit). This is because the risk of a small trade is much lower than a large one.
What is a pip in forex?
A Pip is short for percentage in point which is the slightest movement of each currency pair and how we calculate profit in a forex trading. A pip is one-hundredth of one percent, or the fourth decimal place (0.0001).
For instance, If EUR/USD moves from 1.1050 to 1.1051, that .0001 USD is a pip increment.
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